

The term chimera, coming from the mythological creature of the same name, has over time come to describe any kind of amalgamated hybrid made up from wildly disparate parts; and just as the imaginary often borrows heavily both from contemporary lore and ancient mythology - so do the physical manifestations of both our chronically online way of life and our most animalistic social instincts. As a result of this influence, the boundaries between digital and physical realms are becoming blurred, leading to changes in the spaces we create and the ways we communicate in the real world.

Samory’s CHIMERA delves into this new mythology to manifest a multifaceted collection of these fantastic hybrid environments, sculptural works, and digital animations, giving us a small glimpse into strange new potential futures.



Infection 2.2 - Assemblage


¥ 652,080 (税込)



The term chimera, coming from the mythological creature of the same name, has over time come to describe any kind of amalgamated hybrid made up from wildly disparate parts; and just as the imaginary often borrows heavily both from contemporary lore and ancient mythology - so do the physical manifestations of both our chronically online way of life and our most animalistic social instincts. As a result of this influence, the boundaries between digital and physical realms are becoming blurred, leading to changes in the spaces we create and the ways we communicate in the real world.

Samory’s CHIMERA delves into this new mythology to manifest a multifaceted collection of these fantastic hybrid environments, sculptural works, and digital animations, giving us a small glimpse into strange new potential futures.


エディション Unique
サイズ 50.0 x 70.0 x 18.0 cm
素材 Resin, concrete, polyactic acid, lacquer, pigments
商品コード 1100041569
配送までの期間 展示終了後2〜3週間程度で発送